Thursday 28 March 2013

Whole day tuition.

My time table were full of tuition classes today. Morning, afternoon and evening also have tuition class, damn, really tired. Wake up at about 8.30 a.m. this morning then started tuition at 9.00 a.m. until 10.30 a.m. Then afternoon have to go to Sejati have my Sejarah tuition class at 2.30 p.m. until 4 o'clock then need to rush back to Mrs.Wong there for my English class. Phew, my time table very full right? First time rushing for tuition class like this. My face looks really tired and I got a bit headache now. 

Hope I can get better result because of these tuition class, need to pay more and more attention when teachers teaching. I sure my Addmaths will failed this time 'cause I pass up a blank exam paper for my teacher, I do only three questions and I don't know it correct or not. If three of the questions I do wrong, then my paper will get 0 mark. First time, trololololol. Addmaths gives me many trouble and it was sucks -.- Hate it.

And I painted my room to orange polka dots just like Typicalben's room. Trololol. Copy cat lahhhh -.- My hair looks like red color because of the color in my room. Loves my room so so much right now.

My house desktop were dead, everytime I want to update my blog just can wait my brother came back from Kampar then use his laptop to update. And I want to change the new note II, limited pink color, awesome. But mom won't let me change it.

Btw, happy holiday guys! Got to go, really tired alrd. STAY TUNED! :)

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