Friday 1 March 2013


Finally I have laptop to update my blog, my desktop are so dead these days and I have to wait my brother came back from Kampar so that I can borrow his laptop to update my blog. Miss my blog so much yea! :)

Went to eat Haagen Dazs Chocolate Fundae with mom and brother that day. The chocolate are super smooth and strawberrys are super match with the chocolate! Love it!

 She came to my house overnight last Saturday. Sleeping with her in a small single bed, sweet right?! :P

Okay, these days I'm trying my best to let myself to get fatter because I am too slim, everyone said I become more and more thin after I had my braces. I AM ONLY 35KG NOW!!! I went to my daddy's boss house then his house got a body check-up machine, the machine said I have NO FATS in my body, that's why I am so thin. Trolololol. Everybody need to keep fit but I am different with you guys -_-. 

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