Friday 22 March 2013

Holiday mood on.

Finally finished my exam and holidays started. Sucks result for my first exam, sigh. Always excited for the holidays because I want to make nails art for myself, so in love with nails art these few months, trying to make cute and creative nails art on my hand.

Going to re-paint my room color to orange polka dots, can't wait to see the result, but I haven't start painting. Trololol. Thought this holidays daddy will bring us to Kl but he didn't, he said maybe next month? Ishhh.

Bought a new soft toy last week, a dark brown teddy bear from Maggie-T. Sell at limited time!

Changed my braces to turquoise color, make my tooth seems like very white. Hahahaha. And now I found that my hair got a bit brown color because of always using the hair dryer. Trololol. Want to dye my hair color to dark brown during the end year holidays.

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