Tuesday 4 June 2013

The days without laptop.

Okay, I am using IPad to update my blog now. Hahaha. Cause my brother bring back his laptop to his hostel, and my house desktop was dead. So I downloaded the blogger's apps in iPad so that I can update my blog and I think I won't leave it alone anymore. Trolololol.

Went to Genting Highlands with family on last Saturday, it's been so long I didn't went there, I think the last time I went to Genting Highlands was when I'm standard 5? I don't really remember, but all the things in the Genting Theme Park are so old and just the same with old time, I think they should update all the things at there. 

Loves my nails art so much. Stripes nails art by using dental floss, easy and fun, I learn it from YouTube. Always don't know what's nails art should I do next, any suggestion? All the nails tutorial on YouTube are always the same. 

Okay, that's all from me. Going to do my moral folio now, many of that waiting for me to finish, shit. Bye, stay tuned for me next post! :) :)

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