Saturday 25 May 2013

This holiday.

It's been a while I didn't update for my blog. The laziness come back to me again, lazy to turn on the computer, always online by phone. Almost forget about my blog. Phew. Finally finished the mid-year exam and the holiday started. Bored but I enjoy it. Have fun in nails art during every holidays(the only things I enjoy during holidays,lol.)

Bought an I-pad for mom as mother's day present. Put it on her bed as surprised and she keep asking us that's really for her? Trololol. (actually is dad pay it but not me.)

Loving my new shorts that I bought from Brands-Out-Let last time. Two for rm80.

Going out with her yesterday. She bought a lots of things and she's going back to Johor on Tuesday. Will miss her and hope she buy me souvenir!

Btw, happy holiday to you all and wish you enjoy your holiday! Bye! :P

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