Tuesday 18 December 2012

Singapore Zoo!

Okay, here comes more and more photos that I took at Singapore share with you guys! :)

Omg, I can't believe I'll followed my aunt went to Singapore Zoo! Actually, the aim we went there are meet with the two Pandas - Jiajia & Kaikai. They are all the way from China, and this is the first time I saw real panda, omg, it is really cute! I keep laughing when I saw the pandas because I can't control myself, hahahahaha. Crazy right?

The tickets we went to Singapore Zoo is for free because my uncle takes the tickets with his office admin, so we just need to buy the ticket to see panda. Children over 12-tear-old are 5$ and children under 12-year-old are 3$. 

Before I show you guys those photos I took at Singapore Zoo, I need to show you guys the interior of Marina Bay Sands Shopping Mall, 'cause I forget to post em' on my last post. Sorry!

Love Singapore! :D

Okay, here's the photos I took at Singapore Zoo! Uhmmmm, you will see many animals after this. Hahahahahaha.

The weather on that day not really good, keeps raining.

The first animal I saw, giant crocodile! 

Then we went to see the Proboscis Monkey.

I thought the monkey will jump over here jump over there on the tree, so I feel so scared. But after that I knew it.. -.- hahahaha

There's a glasses at there to separate the viewer and the monkey.

Random picture I took at zoo!

Kangaroo time!

Daddy, mommy and child! One big family! Hahaha.

"我要拍照!我要拍照!" 口齿不清

Hamadryas Baboons.

Like a boss.

Hahahahaha! I must show you guys this hippo silly face! Silly but cute!

The famous orang utan Ah Meng's friend.

Time to meet the giant panda! 

Jiajia and Kaikai's home at Singapore.

This is Kaikai. Omg, he is sleeping! 

This is Jiajia, she keeps walking around at there. 

Next post I'll be posting all the photos I took at Universal Studio Singapore! Stay tuned! Bye! :)

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