Wednesday 26 December 2012

3 days 2 nights in Hatyai, Thailand

The second time I go for travel with my passport in this holiday. But I still prefer go to Singapore, 'cause there are so clean. I went to Hatyai, Thailand on Sunday morning, woke up very early. The first time I woke up at about 4.30 a.m. Then wait our the driver came our house fetch us. I went Htayai with my family and cousin and also my dad's friends. Actually this is the second time I went to Hatyai, the first time I went there I was only standard 4.

Self-loving while on the way to Hatyai.

Check-in to our hotel after our lunch. I hate this hotel because the hotel room not very comfortable. And I found something very disgusting at the hotel room. The hotel prepared condom for their customer -_____-. Ask for a extra bed 'cause I sleep with dad and mom in the same room.

Went to Top Market with cousin and brother to buy some snacks while mom went for massage. I like this market 'cause it is so clean and the things at there are cheaper than Malaysia!

Found this at Top Market! It cost only Rm11!

This one is really nice! Super delicious!

Floating Market!

Sad case. Went there about 15 minutes then rain heavily. Trololol.


The second day.


Took picture while everyone started eating.

Went for pray after breakfast.

To the beach after pray. Strong wind and hot weather. Damnnnnn.

The driver suggested us to eat coconut ice-cream, but I don't think it is very delicious 'cause I don't like coconut.

Steamboat! Cost only Rm9.90 per person! Very cheap right?

The last day.

Play with this dog while mom buying something. Cute right?

Coca Cola with glass botel!

The first time I bought this much Lays in 7-eleven! Thailand's Lays have many flavor than Malaysia and the price are cheaper than Malaysia too! Only Rm2 per packet!

Lastly, I bought 手信 for you guys. Inbox my Facebook if you want to get it, okay? :D

Nah! This is present for you! Hahahahahahahaha. 手 + 信 = 手信 :P

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