Wednesday 24 October 2012

Stay at home for two days.

I started my holidays earlier than others. No ones want go to school now 'cause nothing to do at there, wasting our time. Go to school just for play and chit-chat with friends. And teachers don't let us go back to our class (I don't know why). I feel so bored and started to learn nails art on Internet. Hahahahaha. I likes nails art, it was so fun.

Sleep until 10 something everyday. Have my breakfast, lunch and dinner at home, didn't go anywhere. I wish daddy will bring me to KL for a shopping trip but he is too busy. Daddy and his friends plan to go Hatyai during X'mas. Hmmm, actually I don't really like Hatyai 'cause there looks very dirty. I went there once when I was standard four. But this time I will take more photos at there because I have a camera and because of my blog! :)

Random picture me and this cute little girl taken during the Chinese New Year of 2012! 

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