Tuesday 16 October 2012

Pmr is over!


Nyah, finally Pmr is over and I feel so butterfly right now. I think every form 3 students love the feel when they walk out the school hall. Okay, me too. I like that feel too. Feel so happy when I walk out the hall today. The ketua pengawas haven't let us go but I already rushed to take my bag then went home! :) :) :)

I hate Pmr, it gives me many many many pimples. Shit man! Hate all the pimples so much :(

And....I have many plans with friends after the exam! Wooohooo. I am going to ask my friends when they want go for steambot, and I want go Lost World with em' (if mommy let me go). Will hang out with Horyan this Saturday. Ughhhh, I want go for movie. Okay, that's all from me.

Congratulations to all the form3 students! :D


  1. 恭喜你,現在考完試了就好好保養自己哦:)

  2. 谢谢你,Yueyin :) 你考完试了吗? 加油喔 :)
