Sunday 2 September 2012

One months+ to Pmr.

I started feel so stress these day. And I started worried about my Pmr exam. I don't even have the feel to study or do exercise for mathematics. Although I have the mood to study, but I won't remember what I've read after that. Shit man. I want to improve my Sejarah, Geografi and Mathematics in only one months. A very short period of time. Because my Mathematics is really sucks. Must study hard this time. Trying my best to get good result in Pmr exam.

Photo from Instagram. @y_ongwei

I can't wait for the days after Pmr. I think it should be very fun and crazy after that. And I already have some plans for that now. Hahahahaha! See how excited I am?

I want go for hang out with friends and him after we finished the exam. Or maybe I will go Otk Studio @ Gunong Rapat for once, although I don't like to sing in front of my friends.

Okay, that's all from me. Byeeeeee! :P


  1. hmmm, our distance is being further and further. i cant even recognize ur face u knw, u had changed alot XD become a mature woman liao :) gratz. do jz watever u wan to do, but fight over those exam first, as u knw, countdown time is being closer, let's fight for it. maybe i will go perak wif my fren. :D

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