Saturday 11 August 2012

Finally exam end.

I've finished my trial exam on Thursday, and I skip school on Friday. Must give myself some relax after exam. Then I'll start to do revision after the Raya's holidays.

Going out the have dinner with daddy mommy just now. After that daddy bring us o Snowdream @ Greentown. It just got a bit same with the Snowflakes in Kuala Lumpur. But I prefer Snowflakes. Snowflakes taste better than Snowdream. 

Did it have any different with Snowflakes? Trololol. 

Outings with friends today. But I didn't take any pictures with my camera, stupid cupid. 

Me and Raynus! Photo from Instagram. 

My hair looks very messy. Feels like wanna cut my fringe, lol. Cause it was too long and I don't know what hairstyle suit me. This stupid question bothering me. So, that's all for today. ;)

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